11 month old baby boy, Binyomin Zechariah, was tragically taken from this world when steam from a radiator exploded in his bedroom. He was niftar Friday morning, January 19th, 2024 and laid to rest on Sunday, January 21st. We would like to complete the entire Shisha Sidra Mishna lz"n Binyomin Zechariah ben Alexander Zalman.
May his Neshamah have an Aliyah!
Please complete Mishnayos prior to Binyomin's first Yahrzeit which will be on Sun, Feb 9th 2025, (11th of Sh’vat).
May the mourners, his dear parents Alex and Betsy be comforted among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem along with the speedy rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash and the coming of Moshiach.
Please sign up to learn in memory of Larry Newman
Please learn for him.
לימוד משניות לעילוי נשמת יעקב בן אולגא ז"ל
עד לסיום השלושים כז' טבת
תזכו למצוות
Please choose a Maesechta
Or a Perek to learn in Memory of
Rinaldo Toporovsky OBM
Thank you for learning mishnayos in memory of Trevor Glass o"h
Mishnayos Learning in memory of
Albert Levine, OBM
For my brother who is alive, but unfortunately isn't well. Please learn as a merit that he have a complete recovery in health and normalcy.
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Yaakov Ben Avraham HaLevi
Dovid ben Mayer
Malka bas Shimon Chaim