Aveilim Listing

Shifra bas Moreinu Harav Moshe and Moreinu Harav Moshe Dovid ben Harav Yitzchak Eizik

Please join in learning Mishnayos for Community Synagogue's Annual Siyum Mishnayos L'Ilui Nishmos Rav and Rebbetzin Tendler Z"L

Binyomin Zechariah ben Alexander Zalman

11 month old baby boy, Binyomin Zechariah, was tragically taken from this world when steam from a radiator exploded in his bedroom. He was niftar Friday morning, January 19th, 2024 and laid to rest on Sunday, January 21st. We would like to complete the entire Shisha Sidra Mishna lz"n Binyomin Zechariah ben Alexander Zalman.
May his Neshamah have an Aliyah!
Please complete Mishnayos prior to Binyomin's first Yahrzeit which will be on Sun, Feb 9th 2025, (11th of Sh’vat).
May the mourners, his dear parents Alex and Betsy be comforted among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem along with the speedy rebuilding of the Beis HaMikdash and the coming of Moshiach.

דניאל בן גרשון

Thank you for learning Mishnayos in memory of Doniel.

May his neshama have an Aliya

Larry Newman

Please sign up to learn in memory of Larry Newman

פנחס דוד בן אברהם

Thank you for agreeing to learn as a z’chus l’ilui nishmas Pincus Zagelbaum. May his neshama have an aliyah because of your contribution to completing shisha sidrei mishna before his shloshim on Simchas Torah.

Leib Hirsch ben Moshe Mordechai

Thank you.

דבורה בת חיים צבי

Finish Mishnayos learning by October 30th, 2024

משה שמואל בן יצחק מאיר זצ״ל

R’ Moshe gave his life to camp. He loved and cared about every camper and staff member alike. Let’s complete mishnayos lezaicher nishmaso.

Kedoshim of Israel - October 7, 2023

In memory of the precious souls lost in Israel on October 7, 2023, we invite you to join us in learning Mishnayos and completing the Shisha Sidrei Mishna. This initiative is dedicated to elevating the neshamos of those who were tragically taken from us. As we approach Simchas Torah, a time of joy and celebration, let us unite as a community to honor their memory and bring light to their neshamos.

We will be holding a Siyum and celebration on Shemini Atzeres, marking the completion of our learning and the elevation of these holy souls. May the learning of Torah serve as an aliyah for their neshamos, and may their families find comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
