Shlomo Zalman zl b-n Yosef Binyomin

Please learn in memory of our beloved Shlomo Zalman. He was an authentic soul who touched a lot of people. May his neshamah have an Aliyah.

Please make sure to finish your learning by March 5th, 2025 (-10 days from today)

Select Mishnayos to Learn:








Maaser Sheni











Rosh Hashana



Moed Katan









Baba Kamma

Baba Metziah

Baba Basra





Avodah Zarah























Tevul Yom



100% Assigned
Maseches Perek # Mishnayos Learned By
Berachos 1 5Yosef Naftali Gutmann
Berachos 2 8Yosef Naftali Gutmann
Berachos 3 6Yosef Naftali Gutmann
Berachos 4 7Yosef Naftali Gutmann
Berachos 5 5Yosef Naftali Gutmann
Berachos 6 8Yosef Naftali Gutmann
Berachos 7 5Yosef Naftali Gutmann
Berachos 8 8Yosef Naftali Gutmann
Berachos 9 5Yosef Naftali Gutmann
Peah 1 6Moshe Muller
Peah 2 8Moshe Muller
Peah 3 8Moshe Muller
Peah 4 11Yehuda
Peah 5 8Yehuda
Peah 6 11Yehuda
Peah 7 8Yehuda
Peah 8 9Yehuda
Demai 1 4Ariel Wallen
Demai 2 5Ariel Wallen
Demai 3 6Ariel Wallen
Demai 4 7Ariel Wallen
Demai 5 11Ariel Wallen
Demai 6 12Ariel Wallen
Demai 7 8Ariel Wallen
Kelayim 1 9Hillel Schulman
Kelayim 2 11Hillel Schulman
Kelayim 3 7Hillel Schulman
Kelayim 4 9Hillel Schulman
Kelayim 5 8Hillel Schulman
Kelayim 6 9Hillel Schulman
Kelayim 7 8Hillel Schulman
Kelayim 8 6Hillel Schulman
Kelayim 9 10Hillel Schulman
Sheviis 1 8shlomo yehudas freind
Sheviis 2 10shlomo yehudas freind
Sheviis 3 10shlomo yehudas freind
Sheviis 4 10shlomo yehudas freind
Sheviis 5 9shlomo yehudas freind
Sheviis 6 6shlomo yehudas freind
Sheviis 7 7shlomo yehudas freind
Sheviis 8 11shlomo yehudas freind
Sheviis 9 9shlomo yehudas freind
Sheviis 10 9shlomo yehudas freind
Terumos 1 10Anonymous
Terumos 2 6Shlomo Anhang
Terumos 3 9Shlomo Anhang
Terumos 4 13Yehoshua Gershbaum
Terumos 5 9Yehoshua Gershbaum
Terumos 6 6Yehoshua Gershbaum
Terumos 7 7Yehoshua Gershbaum
Terumos 8 12Yehoshua Gershbaum
Terumos 9 7Yehoshua Gershbaum
Terumos 10 12Yehoshua Gershbaum
Terumos 11 10Yehoshua Gershbaum
Maaseros 1 8Dovid Bacon
Maaseros 2 8Dovid Bacon
Maaseros 3 10Dovid Bacon
Maaseros 4 6Dovid Bacon
Maaseros 5 8Dovid Bacon
Maaser Sheni 1 7Shlomo Gasner
Maaser Sheni 2 10Shlomo Gasner
Maaser Sheni 3 13Shlomo Gasner
Maaser Sheni 4 12Shlomo Gasner
Maaser Sheni 5 15Shlomo Gasner
Challah 1 9Shlomo Yehuda
Challah 2 8Shlomo Yehuda
Challah 3 10Shlomo Yehuda
Challah 4 11Yosef Heller
Orlah 1 9Yosef Heller
Orlah 2 17Yosef Heller
Orlah 3 9Yosef Heller
Bikkurim 1 11Yosef Heller
Bikkurim 2 11Yosef Heller
Bikkurim 3 12Yosef Heller
Bikkurim 4 5Yosef Heller
Shabbos 1 11R. Gutmann
Shabbos 2 7R. Gutmann
Shabbos 3 6R. Gutmann
Shabbos 4 2R. Gutmann
Shabbos 5 4R. Gutmann
Shabbos 6 10R. Gutmann
Shabbos 7 4R. Gutmann
Shabbos 8 7R. Gutmann
Shabbos 9 7Menachem Encaouae
Shabbos 10 6Joseph Galimidi
Shabbos 11 6Joseph Galimidi
Shabbos 12 6Joseph Galimidi
Shabbos 13 7Yehuda Klein
Shabbos 14 4Yehuda Klein
Shabbos 15 3YK
Shabbos 16 8Joseph Galimidi
Shabbos 17 8Joseph Galimidi
Shabbos 18 3Joseph Galimidi
Shabbos 19 6Joseph Galimidi
Shabbos 20 5Uriel Pollack
Shabbos 21 3Uriel Pollack
Shabbos 22 6Uriel Pollack
Shabbos 23 5Uriel Pollack
Shabbos 24 5Uriel Pollack
Eruvin 1 10Shaul Feinsod
Eruvin 2 6Shaul Feinsod
Eruvin 3 9Shaul Feinsod
Eruvin 4 11Yosef abdolazadeh
Eruvin 5 9Yosef abdolazadeh
Eruvin 6 10Yosef abdolazadeh
Eruvin 7 11Yosef abdolazadeh
Eruvin 8 11Yosef abdolazadeh
Eruvin 9 4Yosef abdolazadeh
Eruvin 10 15Yosef abdolazadeh
Pesachim 1 7Dov Levitan
Pesachim 2 8Dov Levitan
Pesachim 3 8Dov Levitan
Pesachim 4 9Dov Levitan
Pesachim 5 10Dov Levitan
Pesachim 6 6Dov Levitan
Pesachim 7 13Dov Levitan
Pesachim 8 8Dov Levitan
Pesachim 9 11Dov Levitan
Pesachim 10 9Dov Levitan
Shekalim 1 7משה מנחם דויטש
Shekalim 2 5משה מנחם דויטש
Shekalim 3 4משה מנחם דויטש
Shekalim 4 9משה מנחם דויטש
Shekalim 5 6משה מנחם דויטש
Shekalim 6 6משה מנחם דויטש
Shekalim 7 7משה מנחם דויטש
Shekalim 8 8משה מנחם דויטש
Yoma 1 8Chaim
Yoma 2 7Chaim
Yoma 3 11Chaim
Yoma 4 6Chaim
Yoma 5 7Chaim
Yoma 6 8Chaim
Yoma 7 5Chaim
Yoma 8 9Chaim
Sukkah 1 11Moshe weiner
Sukkah 2 9Moshe weiner
Sukkah 3 15Moshe weiner
Sukkah 4 10Moshe weiner
Sukkah 5 8Moshe weiner
Beitzah 1 10Alan Gutmann
Beitzah 2 10Alan Gutmann
Beitzah 3 8Alan Gutmann
Beitzah 4 7Alan Gutmann
Beitzah 5 7Alan Gutmann
Rosh Hashana 1 9Aryeh Novack
Rosh Hashana 2 9Aryeh Novack
Rosh Hashana 3 8Aryeh Novack
Rosh Hashana 4 9Aryeh Novack
Taanis 1 7Shaya weisenfeld
Taanis 2 10Shaya weisenfeld
Taanis 3 9Shaya weisenfeld
Taanis 4 8Shaya weisenfeld
Megillah 1 11Shmuel Schroff
Megillah 2 6Shmuel Schroff
Megillah 3 6Shmuel Schroff
Megillah 4 10Shmuel Schroff
Moed Katan 1 10Yehuda Stamm
Moed Katan 2 5Yehuda Stamm
Moed Katan 3 9Yehuda Stamm
Chagigah 1 8Menachem Encaouae
Chagigah 2 7Menachem Encaouae
Chagigah 3 8Menachem Encaouae
Yevamos 1 4Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 2 10Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 3 10Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 4 13Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 5 6Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 6 6Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 7 6Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 8 6Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 9 6Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 10 9Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 11 7Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 12 6Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 13 13Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 14 9Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 15 10Shmulie Brown
Yevamos 16 7Shmulie Brown
Kesuvos 1 10Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Kesuvos 2 10Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Kesuvos 3 9Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Kesuvos 4 12Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Kesuvos 5 9Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Kesuvos 6 7Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Kesuvos 7 10Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Kesuvos 8 8Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Kesuvos 9 9Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Kesuvos 10 6Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Kesuvos 11 6Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Kesuvos 12 4Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Kesuvos 13 11Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Nedarim 1 4Rephael Negnewitzky
Nedarim 2 5Rephael Negnewitzky
Nedarim 3 11Rephael Negnewitzky
Nedarim 4 8Rephael Negnewitzky
Nedarim 5 6Berman
Nedarim 6 10Berman
Nedarim 7 9Berman
Nedarim 8 7Berman
Nedarim 9 10Berman
Nedarim 10 8Berman
Nedarim 11 12Berman
Nazir 1 7Shmuel Greenbaum
Nazir 2 10Shmuel Greenbaum
Nazir 3 7Shmuel Greenbaum
Nazir 4 7Shmuel Greenbaum
Nazir 5 7Shmuel Greenbaum
Nazir 6 11Shmuel Greenbaum
Nazir 7 4Shmuel Greenbaum
Nazir 8 2Shmuel Greenbaum
Nazir 9 5Shmuel Greenbaum
Sotah 1 9Tzally Gottesman
Sotah 2 6Tzally Gottesman
Sotah 3 8Tzally Gottesman
Sotah 4 5Tzally Gottesman
Sotah 5 5Tzally Gottesman
Sotah 6 4Tzally Gottesman
Sotah 7 8Tzally Gottesman
Sotah 8 7Tzally Gottesman
Sotah 9 15Tzally Gottesman
Gittin 1 6Nachum stein
Gittin 2 7Nachum stein
Gittin 3 8Nachum stein
Gittin 4 9Nachum stein
Gittin 5 9Nachum stein
Gittin 6 7Moshe weiner
Gittin 7 9Moshe weiner
Gittin 8 10Moshe weiner
Gittin 9 10Moshe weiner
Kiddushin 1 10Yehoshua hagage
Kiddushin 2 10Yehoshua hagage
Kiddushin 3 13Yehoshua hagage
Kiddushin 4 14Yehoshua hagage
Baba Kamma 1 4Ariel Israel
Baba Kamma 2 6Ariel Israel
Baba Kamma 3 11Ariel Israel
Baba Kamma 4 9Ariel Israel
Baba Kamma 5 7Ariel Israel
Baba Kamma 6 6Ariel Israel
Baba Kamma 7 7Ariel Israel
Baba Kamma 8 7Ariel Israel
Baba Kamma 9 12Ariel Israel
Baba Kamma 10 10Ariel Israel
Baba Metziah 1 8Menachem Encaouae
Baba Metziah 2 11Menachem Encaouae
Baba Metziah 3 12Menachem Encaouae
Baba Metziah 4 12Menachem Encaouae
Baba Metziah 5 11Menachem Encaouae
Baba Metziah 6 8Menachem Encaouae
Baba Metziah 7 11Menachem Encaouae
Baba Metziah 8 9Menachem Encaouae
Baba Metziah 9 13Menachem Encaouae
Baba Metziah 10 6Menachem Encaouae
Baba Basra 1 6Menachem Encaouae
Baba Basra 2 14Menachem Encaouae
Baba Basra 3 8Menachem Encaouae
Baba Basra 4 9Menachem Encaouae
Baba Basra 5 11Menachem Encaouae
Baba Basra 6 8Menachem Encaouae
Baba Basra 7 4Menachem Encaouae
Baba Basra 8 8Menachem Encaouae
Baba Basra 9 10Menachem Encaouae
Baba Basra 10 8Menachem Encaouae
Sanhedrin 1 6Moshe weiner
Sanhedrin 2 5Moshe weiner
Sanhedrin 3 8Moshe weiner
Sanhedrin 4 5Moshe weiner
Sanhedrin 5 5Moshe weiner
Sanhedrin 6 6Moshe weiner
Sanhedrin 7 11Moshe weiner
Sanhedrin 8 7Moshe weiner
Sanhedrin 9 6Moshe weiner
Sanhedrin 10 6Moshe weiner
Sanhedrin 11 6Moshe weiner
Makkos 1 10Nissi Magid
Makkos 2 8Nissi Magid
Makkos 3 16Nissi Magid
Shavuos 1 7Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Shavuos 2 5Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Shavuos 3 11Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Shavuos 4 13Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Shavuos 5 5Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Shavuos 6 7Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Shavuos 7 8Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Shavuos 8 6Shlomo Yehuda Gutmann
Eduyos 1 14M coleman
Eduyos 2 10M coleman
Eduyos 3 12M coleman
Eduyos 4 12M coleman
Eduyos 5 7M coleman
Eduyos 6 3M coleman
Eduyos 7 9M coleman
Eduyos 8 7M coleman
Avodah Zarah 1 9Tzally Gottesman
Avodah Zarah 2 7Tzally Gottesman
Avodah Zarah 3 10Tzally Gottesman
Avodah Zarah 4 12Tzally Gottesman
Avodah Zarah 5 12Tzally Gottesman
Avos 1 18Alan Silver
Avos 2 16Alan Silver
Avos 3 18Alan Silver
Avos 4 22Alan Silver
Avos 5 23Alan Silver
Avos 6 11Alan Silver
Horayos 1 5Menachem Encaouae
Horayos 2 7Menachem Encaouae
Horayos 3 8Menachem Encaouae
Zevachim 1 4Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 2 5Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 3 6Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 4 6Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 5 8Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 6 7Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 7 6Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 8 12Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 9 7Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 10 8Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 11 8Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 12 6Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 13 8Seth Rothenberg
Zevachim 14 10Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 1 4Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 2 5Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 3 7Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 4 5Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 5 9Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 6 7Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 7 6Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 8 7Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 9 9Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 10 9Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 11 9Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 12 5Seth Rothenberg
Menachos 13 11Seth Rothenberg
Chullin 1 7M. Y.
Chullin 2 10M. Y.
Chullin 3 7M. Y.
Chullin 4 7M. Y.
Chullin 5 5M. Y.
Chullin 6 7M. Y.
Chullin 7 6M. Y.
Chullin 8 6M. Y.
Chullin 9 8M. Y.
Chullin 10 4M. Y.
Chullin 11 2M. Y.
Chullin 12 5M. Y.
Bechoros 1 7Avi Glick
Bechoros 2 9Avi Glick
Bechoros 3 4Avi Glick
Bechoros 4 10Avi Glick
Bechoros 5 6Avi Glick
Bechoros 6 12Avi Glick
Bechoros 7 7Avi Glick
Bechoros 8 10Avi Glick
Bechoros 9 8Avi Glick
Arachin 1 4Elchanan Adler
Arachin 2 6Elchanan Adler
Arachin 3 5Elchanan Adler
Arachin 4 4Elchanan Adler
Arachin 5 6Elchanan Adler
Arachin 6 5Elchanan Adler
Arachin 7 5Elchanan Adler
Arachin 8 7Elchanan Adler
Arachin 9 8Elchanan Adler
Temurah 1 6Moshe weiner
Temurah 2 3Moshe weiner
Temurah 3 5Moshe weiner
Temurah 4 4Moshe weiner
Temurah 5 6Moshe weiner
Temurah 6 5Moshe weiner
Temurah 7 6Moshe weiner
Krisus 1 7Dr. Bob Butler
Krisus 2 6Dr. Bob Butler
Krisus 3 10Dr. Bob Butler
Krisus 4 3Dr. Bob Butler
Krisus 5 8Dr. Bob Butler
Krisus 6 9Dr. Bob Butler
Meilah 1 4Moshe weiner
Meilah 2 9Moshe weiner
Meilah 3 8Moshe weiner
Meilah 4 6Moshe weiner
Meilah 5 5Moshe weiner
Meilah 6 6Moshe weiner
Tamid 1 4Howard/Yerachmiel Reece
Tamid 2 5Howard/Yerachmiel Reece
Tamid 3 9Howard/Yerachmiel Reece
Tamid 4 3Howard/Yerachmiel Reece
Tamid 5 6Howard/Yerachmiel Reece
Tamid 6 3Howard/Yerachmiel Reece
Tamid 7 4Howard/Yerachmiel Reece
Middos 1 9Dovid Asher
Middos 2 6Dovid Asher
Middos 3 8Dovid Asher
Middos 4 7Dovid Asher
Middos 5 4Dovid Asher
Kinnim 1 4Menachem Encaouae
Kinnim 2 5Menachem Encaouae
Kinnim 3 6Menachem Encaouae
Keilim 1 9Aryeh Caplan
Keilim 2 8Aryeh Caplan
Keilim 3 8Aryeh Caplan
Keilim 4 4Aryeh Caplan
Keilim 5 11Aryeh Caplan
Keilim 6 4Alex Widerman
Keilim 7 6Alex Weissman and Moishy Gluck
Keilim 8 11Alex Weissman and Moishy Gluck
Keilim 9 8Simcha Dvorkin
Keilim 10 8Yisroel meir ben mordechai
Keilim 11 9Yisroel meir ben mordechai
Keilim 12 8Alex Weiderman Tzvi stern
Keilim 13 8Alex Weiderman Tzvi stern
Keilim 14 8Meir Richman
Keilim 15 6DB
Keilim 16 8DB
Keilim 17 17DB
Keilim 18 9DB
Keilim 19 10DB
Keilim 20 7DB
Keilim 21 3Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Keilim 22 10Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Keilim 23 5Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Keilim 24 17Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Keilim 25 9Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Keilim 26 9Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Keilim 27 12Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Keilim 28 10Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Keilim 29 8Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Keilim 30 4Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Oholos 1 8Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 2 7Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 3 7Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 4 3Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 5 7Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 6 7Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 7 6Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 8 6Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 9 16Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 10 7Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 11 9Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 12 8Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 13 6Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 14 7Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 15 10Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 16 5Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 17 5Nosson Dov Rotberg
Oholos 18 10Nosson Dov Rotberg
Negaim 1 6Yisrael Arbiv
Negaim 2 5Yisrael Arbiv
Negaim 3 8Nosson Dov Rotberg
Negaim 4 11Nosson Dov Rotberg
Negaim 5 5Nosson Dov Rotberg
Negaim 6 8Nosson Dov Rotberg
Negaim 7 5Nosson Dov Rotberg
Negaim 8 10Nosson Dov Rotberg
Negaim 9 3Nosson Dov Rotberg
Negaim 10 10Nosson Dov Rotberg
Negaim 11 12Nosson Dov Rotberg
Negaim 12 7Nosson Dov Rotberg
Negaim 13 12Nosson Dov Rotberg
Negaim 14 13Nosson Dov Rotberg
Parah 1 4Rabbi Cohn
Parah 2 5Rabbi Cohn
Parah 3 11Rabbi Cohn
Parah 4 4Rabbi Cohn
Parah 5 9Rabbi Cohn
Parah 6 5Rabbi Cohn
Parah 7 12Rabbi Cohn
Parah 8 11Rabbi Cohn
Parah 9 9Rabbi Cohn
Parah 10 6Rabbi Cohn
Parah 11 9Rabbi Cohn
Parah 12 11Rabbi Cohn
Tahoros 1 9Menachem Encaouae
Tahoros 2 8Menachem Encaouae
Tahoros 3 8Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Tahoros 4 13Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Tahoros 5 9Shalom Yaakov Schreiber
Tahoros 6 10Eli Grossnass
Tahoros 7 9Eli Grossnass
Tahoros 8 9Joanne and Irwin Asher
Tahoros 9 9Joanne and Irwin Asher
Tahoros 10 8Joanne and Irwin Asher
Mikvaos 1 8Meir Amram Rosenstock
Mikvaos 2 10Meir Amram Rosenstock
Mikvaos 3 4Meir Amram Rosenstock
Mikvaos 4 5Meir Amram Rosenstock
Mikvaos 5 6Meir Amram Rosenstock
Mikvaos 6 11Meir Amram Rosenstock
Mikvaos 7 7Meir Amram Rosenstock
Mikvaos 8 5Meir Amram Rosenstock
Mikvaos 9 7Meir Amram Rosenstock
Mikvaos 10 8Meir Amram Rosenstock
Niddah 1 7Dr. Greenberg
Niddah 2 7Dr. Greenberg
Niddah 3 7Dr. Greenberg
Niddah 4 7Dr. Greenberg
Niddah 5 9Dr. Greenberg
Niddah 6 14Dr. Greenberg
Niddah 7 5Dr. Greenberg
Niddah 8 4Dr. Greenberg
Niddah 9 11Dr. Greenberg
Niddah 10 8Dr. Greenberg
Machshirin 1 6Aryeh Berman
Machshirin 2 11Aryeh Berman
Machshirin 3 8Aryeh Berman
Machshirin 4 10Aryeh Berman
Machshirin 5 11Aryeh Berman
Machshirin 6 8Aryeh Berman
Zavim 1 6Schenker
Zavim 2 4Schenker
Zavim 3 3Schenker
Zavim 4 7Schenker
Zavim 5 12Schenker
Tevul Yom 1 5Yumi simon
Tevul Yom 2 8Yumi simon
Tevul Yom 3 6Yumi simon
Tevul Yom 4 7Yumi simon
Yadaim 1 5זאב שרמן
Yadaim 2 4זאב שרמן
Yadaim 3 5זאב שרמן
Yadaim 4 8זאב שרמן
Uktzim 1 6Seth Rothenberg
Uktzim 2 10Seth Rothenberg
Uktzim 3 12Seth Rothenberg

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Shivah Information

Shivah Ends On

Tuesday February 11th, 2025

Shivah Location

126 Amsterdam Ave Passaic, NJ 07055

Get Directions

Minyomin & Visiting Times

Shacharis: 8 am
Mincha: 5 pm
Ma'ariv: zman
Visiting times: 10 am - 12 pm, 7 pm - 9 pm

Contact Information for Aveilim Sitting Shivah
