Yitzchak Asher ben Yechezkel Shraga

Dear family and friends, I would very much like to honour the memory of my father and help elevate his neshama during my year of aveilut. Please choose a mesechet to learn or if you prefer, some perakim, so that we can achieve this. We will PG hold a siyum at the conclusion of the year to celebrate our learning. Thank you so much.

Please make sure to finish your learning by July 21st, 2024 (-166 days from today)

Select Mishnayos to Learn:








Maaser Sheni











Rosh Hashana



Moed Katan









Baba Kamma

Baba Metziah

Baba Basra





Avodah Zarah























Tevul Yom



9% Assigned
Maseches Perek # Mishnayos Learned By
Berachos 1 5sd
Berachos 2 8
Berachos 3 6
Berachos 4 7
Berachos 5 5
Berachos 6 8
Berachos 7 5Barrie Abrahams
Berachos 8 8Barrie Abrahams
Berachos 9 5Barrie Abrahams
Peah 1 6
Peah 2 8
Peah 3 8
Peah 4 11
Peah 5 8
Peah 6 11
Peah 7 8
Peah 8 9
Demai 1 4
Demai 2 5
Demai 3 6
Demai 4 7
Demai 5 11
Demai 6 12
Demai 7 8
Kelayim 1 9
Kelayim 2 11
Kelayim 3 7
Kelayim 4 9
Kelayim 5 8
Kelayim 6 9
Kelayim 7 8
Kelayim 8 6
Kelayim 9 10
Sheviis 1 8
Sheviis 2 10
Sheviis 3 10
Sheviis 4 10
Sheviis 5 9
Sheviis 6 6
Sheviis 7 7
Sheviis 8 11
Sheviis 9 9
Sheviis 10 9
Terumos 1 10
Terumos 2 6
Terumos 3 9
Terumos 4 13
Terumos 5 9
Terumos 6 6
Terumos 7 7
Terumos 8 12
Terumos 9 7
Terumos 10 12
Terumos 11 10
Maaseros 1 8
Maaseros 2 8
Maaseros 3 10
Maaseros 4 6евавае
Maaseros 5 8
Maaser Sheni 1 7
Maaser Sheni 2 10
Maaser Sheni 3 13евавае
Maaser Sheni 4 12
Maaser Sheni 5 15
Challah 1 9
Challah 2 8
Challah 3 10
Challah 4 11
Orlah 1 9
Orlah 2 17
Orlah 3 9
Bikkurim 1 11
Bikkurim 2 11
Bikkurim 3 12
Bikkurim 4 5
Shabbos 1 11
Shabbos 2 7
Shabbos 3 6
Shabbos 4 2
Shabbos 5 4
Shabbos 6 10
Shabbos 7 4
Shabbos 8 7
Shabbos 9 7
Shabbos 10 6
Shabbos 11 6
Shabbos 12 6
Shabbos 13 7
Shabbos 14 4
Shabbos 15 3
Shabbos 16 8
Shabbos 17 8
Shabbos 18 3
Shabbos 19 6
Shabbos 20 5
Shabbos 21 3
Shabbos 22 6
Shabbos 23 5
Shabbos 24 5
Eruvin 1 10
Eruvin 2 6
Eruvin 3 9
Eruvin 4 11
Eruvin 5 9
Eruvin 6 10
Eruvin 7 11
Eruvin 8 11
Eruvin 9 4
Eruvin 10 15
Pesachim 1 7
Pesachim 2 8
Pesachim 3 8
Pesachim 4 9
Pesachim 5 10
Pesachim 6 6
Pesachim 7 13
Pesachim 8 8
Pesachim 9 11
Pesachim 10 9
Shekalim 1 7
Shekalim 2 5
Shekalim 3 4
Shekalim 4 9
Shekalim 5 6
Shekalim 6 6
Shekalim 7 7
Shekalim 8 8
Yoma 1 8
Yoma 2 7
Yoma 3 11
Yoma 4 6
Yoma 5 7
Yoma 6 8
Yoma 7 5
Yoma 8 9
Sukkah 1 11
Sukkah 2 9
Sukkah 3 15
Sukkah 4 10
Sukkah 5 8
Beitzah 1 10
Beitzah 2 10
Beitzah 3 8
Beitzah 4 7
Beitzah 5 7
Rosh Hashana 1 9Mark Weston
Rosh Hashana 2 9Mark Weston
Rosh Hashana 3 8Mark Weston
Rosh Hashana 4 9Mark Weston
Taanis 1 7
Taanis 2 10
Taanis 3 9евавае
Taanis 4 8
Megillah 1 11Howard Cohen
Megillah 2 6Howard Cohen
Megillah 3 6Howard Cohen
Megillah 4 10Howard Cohen
Moed Katan 1 10
Moed Katan 2 5
Moed Katan 3 9
Chagigah 1 8
Chagigah 2 7
Chagigah 3 8
Yevamos 1 4
Yevamos 2 10
Yevamos 3 10
Yevamos 4 13
Yevamos 5 6
Yevamos 6 6
Yevamos 7 6
Yevamos 8 6
Yevamos 9 6
Yevamos 10 9
Yevamos 11 7
Yevamos 12 6
Yevamos 13 13
Yevamos 14 9
Yevamos 15 10
Yevamos 16 7
Kesuvos 1 10
Kesuvos 2 10
Kesuvos 3 9
Kesuvos 4 12
Kesuvos 5 9
Kesuvos 6 7
Kesuvos 7 10
Kesuvos 8 8
Kesuvos 9 9
Kesuvos 10 6
Kesuvos 11 6
Kesuvos 12 4
Kesuvos 13 11
Nedarim 1 4
Nedarim 2 5
Nedarim 3 11
Nedarim 4 8
Nedarim 5 6
Nedarim 6 10
Nedarim 7 9
Nedarim 8 7
Nedarim 9 10
Nedarim 10 8
Nedarim 11 12
Nazir 1 7
Nazir 2 10
Nazir 3 7
Nazir 4 7
Nazir 5 7
Nazir 6 11
Nazir 7 4
Nazir 8 2
Nazir 9 5
Sotah 1 9
Sotah 2 6
Sotah 3 8
Sotah 4 5
Sotah 5 5
Sotah 6 4
Sotah 7 8
Sotah 8 7
Sotah 9 15
Gittin 1 6JW
Gittin 2 7
Gittin 3 8
Gittin 4 9
Gittin 5 9
Gittin 6 7
Gittin 7 9
Gittin 8 10
Gittin 9 10
Kiddushin 1 10
Kiddushin 2 10
Kiddushin 3 13
Kiddushin 4 14
Baba Kamma 1 4
Baba Kamma 2 6
Baba Kamma 3 11
Baba Kamma 4 9
Baba Kamma 5 7
Baba Kamma 6 6
Baba Kamma 7 7
Baba Kamma 8 7
Baba Kamma 9 12
Baba Kamma 10 10
Baba Metziah 1 8
Baba Metziah 2 11
Baba Metziah 3 12
Baba Metziah 4 12
Baba Metziah 5 11
Baba Metziah 6 8
Baba Metziah 7 11
Baba Metziah 8 9
Baba Metziah 9 13
Baba Metziah 10 6
Baba Basra 1 6
Baba Basra 2 14
Baba Basra 3 8
Baba Basra 4 9
Baba Basra 5 11
Baba Basra 6 8
Baba Basra 7 4
Baba Basra 8 8
Baba Basra 9 10
Baba Basra 10 8
Sanhedrin 1 6
Sanhedrin 2 5
Sanhedrin 3 8
Sanhedrin 4 5
Sanhedrin 5 5
Sanhedrin 6 6
Sanhedrin 7 11
Sanhedrin 8 7
Sanhedrin 9 6
Sanhedrin 10 6
Sanhedrin 11 6
Makkos 1 10
Makkos 2 8
Makkos 3 16
Shavuos 1 7
Shavuos 2 5
Shavuos 3 11
Shavuos 4 13
Shavuos 5 5
Shavuos 6 7
Shavuos 7 8
Shavuos 8 6
Eduyos 1 14
Eduyos 2 10
Eduyos 3 12
Eduyos 4 12
Eduyos 5 7
Eduyos 6 3
Eduyos 7 9
Eduyos 8 7
Avodah Zarah 1 9Rael Gamsu
Avodah Zarah 2 7Rael Gamsu
Avodah Zarah 3 10Rael Gamsu
Avodah Zarah 4 12Rael Gamsu
Avodah Zarah 5 12Rael Gamsu
Avos 1 18Rabbi Claude
Avos 2 16Rabbi Claude
Avos 3 18Rabbi Claude
Avos 4 22Rabbi Claude
Avos 5 23Rabbi Claude
Avos 6 11Rabbi Claude
Horayos 1 5
Horayos 2 7
Horayos 3 8
Zevachim 1 4
Zevachim 2 5
Zevachim 3 6
Zevachim 4 6
Zevachim 5 8
Zevachim 6 7
Zevachim 7 6
Zevachim 8 12
Zevachim 9 7
Zevachim 10 8
Zevachim 11 8
Zevachim 12 6
Zevachim 13 8
Zevachim 14 10
Menachos 1 4
Menachos 2 5
Menachos 3 7
Menachos 4 5
Menachos 5 9
Menachos 6 7
Menachos 7 6
Menachos 8 7
Menachos 9 9
Menachos 10 9
Menachos 11 9
Menachos 12 5
Menachos 13 11
Chullin 1 7
Chullin 2 10
Chullin 3 7
Chullin 4 7
Chullin 5 5
Chullin 6 7
Chullin 7 6
Chullin 8 6
Chullin 9 8
Chullin 10 4
Chullin 11 2
Chullin 12 5
Bechoros 1 7
Bechoros 2 9
Bechoros 3 4
Bechoros 4 10
Bechoros 5 6
Bechoros 6 12
Bechoros 7 7
Bechoros 8 10
Bechoros 9 8
Arachin 1 4
Arachin 2 6
Arachin 3 5
Arachin 4 4
Arachin 5 6
Arachin 6 5
Arachin 7 5
Arachin 8 7
Arachin 9 8
Temurah 1 6
Temurah 2 3
Temurah 3 5
Temurah 4 4
Temurah 5 6
Temurah 6 5
Temurah 7 6
Krisus 1 7
Krisus 2 6
Krisus 3 10
Krisus 4 3
Krisus 5 8
Krisus 6 9
Meilah 1 4
Meilah 2 9
Meilah 3 8
Meilah 4 6
Meilah 5 5
Meilah 6 6
Tamid 1 4
Tamid 2 5
Tamid 3 9
Tamid 4 3
Tamid 5 6
Tamid 6 3
Tamid 7 4
Middos 1 9
Middos 2 6
Middos 3 8
Middos 4 7
Middos 5 4
Kinnim 1 4
Kinnim 2 5
Kinnim 3 6
Keilim 1 9
Keilim 2 8
Keilim 3 8
Keilim 4 4
Keilim 5 11
Keilim 6 4
Keilim 7 6
Keilim 8 11
Keilim 9 8
Keilim 10 8
Keilim 11 9
Keilim 12 8
Keilim 13 8
Keilim 14 8
Keilim 15 6
Keilim 16 8
Keilim 17 17
Keilim 18 9
Keilim 19 10
Keilim 20 7
Keilim 21 3
Keilim 22 10
Keilim 23 5
Keilim 24 17
Keilim 25 9
Keilim 26 9
Keilim 27 12
Keilim 28 10
Keilim 29 8
Keilim 30 4
Oholos 1 8
Oholos 2 7
Oholos 3 7
Oholos 4 3
Oholos 5 7
Oholos 6 7
Oholos 7 6
Oholos 8 6
Oholos 9 16
Oholos 10 7
Oholos 11 9
Oholos 12 8
Oholos 13 6
Oholos 14 7
Oholos 15 10
Oholos 16 5
Oholos 17 5
Oholos 18 10
Negaim 1 6
Negaim 2 5
Negaim 3 8
Negaim 4 11
Negaim 5 5
Negaim 6 8
Negaim 7 5
Negaim 8 10
Negaim 9 3
Negaim 10 10
Negaim 11 12
Negaim 12 7
Negaim 13 12
Negaim 14 13
Parah 1 4
Parah 2 5
Parah 3 11
Parah 4 4
Parah 5 9
Parah 6 5
Parah 7 12
Parah 8 11
Parah 9 9
Parah 10 6
Parah 11 9
Parah 12 11
Tahoros 1 9
Tahoros 2 8
Tahoros 3 8
Tahoros 4 13
Tahoros 5 9
Tahoros 6 10
Tahoros 7 9
Tahoros 8 9
Tahoros 9 9
Tahoros 10 8
Mikvaos 1 8Yosef Sharfstein
Mikvaos 2 10Yosef Sharfstein
Mikvaos 3 4Yosef Sharfstein
Mikvaos 4 5Yosef Sharfstein
Mikvaos 5 6Yosef Sharfstein
Mikvaos 6 11Yosef Sharfstein
Mikvaos 7 7Yosef Sharfstein
Mikvaos 8 5Yosef Sharfstein
Mikvaos 9 7Yosef Sharfstein
Mikvaos 10 8Yosef Sharfstein
Niddah 1 7
Niddah 2 7
Niddah 3 7
Niddah 4 7
Niddah 5 9
Niddah 6 14
Niddah 7 5
Niddah 8 4
Niddah 9 11
Niddah 10 8
Machshirin 1 6
Machshirin 2 11
Machshirin 3 8
Machshirin 4 10
Machshirin 5 11
Machshirin 6 8
Zavim 1 6
Zavim 2 4
Zavim 3 3
Zavim 4 7
Zavim 5 12
Tevul Yom 1 5
Tevul Yom 2 8
Tevul Yom 3 6
Tevul Yom 4 7
Yadaim 1 5Shimon Soester-Soreq
Yadaim 2 4Shimon Soester-Soreq
Yadaim 3 5Shimon Soester-Soreq
Yadaim 4 8Shimon Soester-Soreq
Uktzim 1 6
Uktzim 2 10
Uktzim 3 12

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